Now that things have finally started winding down from PAX East and IndieCade (also Overwatch and Dark Souls 3….), we wanted to make a post about how those events went.
PAX East
As usual, PAX East was an amazing experience. It’s our favorite event to attend every year, there’s always so many new awesome promising games and so many great indie developers. We would love to have a booth there someday.
IndieCade East
The following week we attended IndieCade East, which was a new experience for us. There were so many interesting, clever, and just plain well built games there that I haven’t heard of. There were also a bunch of really strange experimental games that were really awesome. One of the coolest things about IndieCade East is the Shown & Tell Cafe that they run. Developers are given a small table and a monitor for a 2 hour time slot to show off anything they’re working on. It’s a great experience for new developers to get feedback on their work, you simply need to register with your purchased IndieCade ticket.
While this may sound a little self serving, my absolute favorite experience during IndieCade East was having our very own table in the Show & Tell Cafe and seeing everyone’s reactions to Helheim! It was such an exciting experience, seeing how everyone played the game and hearing their reactions. Most people that played seem to have a lot of fun, and at times we had a full set of 4 players enjoying our new prototype CTF mode. I just watched with this big stupid grin. It was easily one of the most satisfying experiences in my entire life.

Some Promising Games We Discovered
Here is a short list of games we thought looked awesome and either never heard of or knew very little about prior to these events:
Also, not that it needs any help, we thought Law Breakers looked pretty promising as a modern FPS that didn’t look like a typical Mil-Sim.
Posted By: Eluem on 05/09/2016