Category: pre-alpha

Health and Stamina


Currently working on initial prototype for health and stamina system.

The current health system uses threshold based regenerating health. When you’re left with out taking damage for a certain amount of time, you’ll passively regenerate health up to the current “threshold” (40, 60, 80, 100). The goal is to keep players in the fight and to force low damage weapons to be aggressive to seal permanent damage.



Posted by: Eluem on 11/24/2015

Particle Effects


Working on the particle effect and audio source managers.

The particle effect manager allows me to spawn particle effects in any position, facing in any direction. This is useful for having debris effects come off walls or blood spatter. The audio source manager allows me to handle similar situations, except with audio projection instead of particle effects.

Initial test on directional blood effects:

Particle Effect Test 1

Simpler blood effect:

Particle Effect Test 2

Wall debris on hit test:

Wall Debris Test



Posted by: Eluem on 11/05/2015